The Body Shop Microdermobrasion | Review

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Disclaimer: This whole blog itself aren't for those who may cringe when reading anything with grammatical errors. Sadly I suffer from Dysgraphia Dyslexia and there's nothing I can do about it. When I read things, they seem correct to me but really aren't. So best you stop here. Also my camera is broken so due to that I have been using my iPhone 7 to take shots. 

I know we all have our different skin issues and it's okay because trust me one day or another everyone has skin issues. 

I at a young age had spots (wouldn't say acne, as that is a bit more deep), however Alhamdulillah mine isn't that bad. I just have a lot of junk/no sleep and this is the result. When I don't eat junk or sleep well,  well I don't get it as much. 

For good years either 7years I've had the same skin care routine. Now I know some have advised me to change it as that maybe the cause of my spots but honestly I have tested it out and it's when I eat junk, less sleep + stress (which is everyone's reason) So I never changed it. (Let me know if you want a skincare routine blog)

I got Microdermobrasion done at clinics because I got informed it helped. I got mine done at Pasha clinic in Central London. However it was annoying having to go somewhere and wait etc, it takes around 3-4hrs of your day. Also I paid for it for 2 years and around £950 it was for those 2 years. 

Later after I changed my job, going to Pasha was daunting and a detour so I heard about The Body Shop Vitamin C Microdermobrasion scrub, first I thought "Ok, bet it's just Micro beads nothing else" 

So as usual when I went to get my skincare stuff from TBS (Cleansing Polish + Camomile Oil) As they had 3 for 2 (Like always) I picked that up (This was 2 or 3 years ago not sure) and then I started using it. You as always won't see a result instantly but the scars I had is now gone, and the ones I'm having is going. 

How I apply: 

- Twice a week (Sometimes 3 if I have bad scars) 
- I get enough amount of the Vitamin C Microdermabrasion 
- Then add my Vitamin C Cleansing Polish to the Micro 
- I mix them together and then scrub it over my face 
- Then get scrubbing pad and use that to make the scrub go into my skin, deep in 
- The wash off with cold water 

Honestly I can't a fault in this product. So no CON's from me. 

This has worked perfectly and honestly been my holy grail since forever. 

New Packaging vs. Old Packaging 
New one does give more of a glow, although Body Shop claims it's the same. I see difference 

Hope you liked this review and I have more of Body Shop reviews to come. 


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